Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Everyday Color

We all know which colors we like and the difference a certain shade can make  in a quilt. Take a look at the two photos below and imagine an entire quilt made of either block.


If you're a color junkie like me, it's a no-brainer. The colorful second block is the hands down winner. It has energy and interest.

The color basics that we use with our quilting can be carried over to other aspects of our lives. Whether it's the throw pillows you select for your sofa or the flowers outside of your home, use those color rules that serve us so well in sewing. Below is another example of color when serving food. A fried egg with toasted pita and Morningstar bacon strips (if you're not familiar with the product, it's a vegetarian option to bacon and really quite yummy) on a cream colored plate vs. the same food on a terra cotta colored plate.

I know which one I think is more appetizing! So take the color theory that used in your sewing into all aspects of your life. should I wear the beige scarf with my dark brown sweater or the blue one...

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