Thursday, September 1, 2016

Fool Me Twice--Shame On Me

Have you ever done anything that you think "OMG I can't believe I did that"? I know that I certainly have. And being the optimistic 'cup half full' person that I am, I then wonder what I could've done so it wouldn't have happened. 

Simple example would be when I hand sew (think sewing on binding). I've had just a few more inches to sew but my thread is extremely short. I know I can make it so I take those few final stitches. Then my thread is so short I can't make a good strong knot. My fault and I know better. Rather than aggravate myself with the outcome, when my thread starts to get short, I knot off right then and there. Then I re-thread my needle and pick up where I left off. It only takes a couple extra minutes, but it helps my blood pressure.

Another way to address these kind of situations is a visual queue. I bought a single hole throat plate and I'm very happy with it. However, when I forget I'm using it and switch my machine to zig zig WHAM! that needle will break faster than the fastest thing you can think of.  So I went with the visual queue: I put the little sign under my machine but I can see it through the acrylic table. I hate to say it's 'idiot proof' but so far so good!